When it came out of the ice cream maker and I took a bite, I was sort of astounded. When the man of the house ate it he said he thought it was the best chocolate ice cream he had ever eaten. And we eat far too much ice cream for our own good around these parts.
It's mostly David Lebovitz with some adjustments which I include below:
Chocolate Ice Cream
adapted from The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz
500ml heavy cream
21 g unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Valrhona)
90 g semi-sweet chocolate (I used Callebaut)
50 g very bittersweet chocolate (I used Callebaut 70%)
250 ml whole milk
150 g vanilla sugar
5 large egg yolks
dash of vanilla extract
I had attempted chocolate ice cream recipes before with all bittersweet chocolate but had found that it became too rich and, for some of its tasters (though not for me), not sweet enough. The above combination was perfect.
After gobbling a fair bit of it down au naturel, I thought I might make one of my favorite beverages. Since I must, at every opportunity, justify the cost of the prettiest toy in my arsenal,
I decided to make an affogato with my ice cream. Simply put, pour espresso over ice cream, stir, drink. I used Illy espresso pods, though if anyone knows where I can get a hold of the Lavazza ones, I would be appreciative as I like them as well. Here is how a bill becomes a law:
P.S. Please notice how perfectly the glass matches the espresso maker. I found a set in a shop in Dijon and knew it was destined to be mine.
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